Sunday, September 6, 2009

Treatment for Psoriasis

A gentleman in his 50's developed progressive psoriasis since 2005 when he started to work in China. At first is just a small patch at the back, then progress to the whole body, including the nails.  He also has multiple joint pain and is currently on a lot of medication to suppress pain and the psoriasis.  Condition is very itchy and patient would scratch uncontrollably.                          
First pic showing a treated upper part in contrast to the untreated lower part.
2nd pic showing the lower part also treated.  Note the deadskin is easily removed with Microcurrent application.  Then a thin film of high grade vasaline is applied to the area which serves as a protection to the sweat and the surrounding.  The discoloration would expect to fade as no further overgrowth of the epithelium and patient stop scratching as not itchy any more.
Patient is encouraged to drink plenty of water,  start destress, then condtion will be able to resolve very soon.