Scoliosis with Multiple S curve |
80% Correction in 10 days without Surgery |
This is another case of Scoliosis which is more severe than the case I posted in April, 2012.
The lady first noticed Scoliosis in her 20s and now she is in her 30's. It takes 10 days of daily treatment to achieve an 80% correction using Microcurrent. This is a case of multiple S curve with quite severe rotation of the Thoracic spine. We first corrected the Cervical and Thoracic curve by relaxing the tight up soft tissue, build up those weakened muscle so correcting the muscle imbalance. Once the Cervical and Thoracic curve is corrected, the deviation at the Lumbo-sacral region is simple by shifting the Pelvis towards the Left. In my personal opinion, Microcurrent gives the body the signal to regenerate, rewiring the Postural awareness. Because of the alignment of the Spinal column, I expect the asymetry on both sides would also have subsequent self correction. Please note the shoulder width is pretty much the same in the latter photo. This is a permanant correction without surgery and patient is encouraged to continue twice daily simple stretching exercise in bed morning & evening for 10 mins.